In the ever-evolving landscape of social media marketing, trends come and go with lightning speed. Keeping up with - and leveraging - trending content is a job in itself, but another critical area for brands to pay attention to are larger strategic trends. And one trend that appears to be making a notable comeback currently is the resurgence of longform video content.

Platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube are starting to release new ad optimizations for longer video views, signaling a significant shift in how brands can engage with their audiences. This trend not only presents new opportunities for storytelling and brand building, but also requires a strategic approach for brands to leverage it effectively.

Embracing Longform Video: A Strategic Shift

For years, short-form content has dominated social media feeds, driven by platforms' algorithms favoring quick, attention-grabbing clips. However, recent changes suggest that the pendulum is swinging back towards longer, more immersive video experiences. Platforms are introducing features such as longer video length limits, ad optimizations for longer viewership, and algorithms that prioritize watch time. This shift is driven by the increasing demand from users for more meaningful content and the platforms' desire to keep users engaged for longer periods.

For brands, embracing longform video content both organically and from a paid perspective presents a unique opportunity to connect with audiences on a deeper level. Unlike short-form content, which often aims to capture quick attention in a matter of seconds, longform videos allow brands to tell richer, more nuanced stories. This can be particularly effective for building brand identity, explaining complex products or services, creating emotional connections with the audience, and increasing overall ad recall.

Before you get started, there are a few best practices we recommend you keep in mind as you plan:

Storytelling and Brand Narrative: Longform video content provides brands with the canvas to tell compelling stories and build a strong brand narrative. Whether it’s a behind-the-scenes look at your company, a documentary-style video about your brand’s journey, or a series that explores different aspects of your industry or products, storytelling can captivate and engage your audience in a way that short-form content cannot.

Educational and Informative Content: Use longform videos to educate your audience about your products or services. This could include in-depth tutorials, demonstrations, or explainer videos that showcase the value and benefits of what you offer. Providing valuable information in a longer format can help show users why they need your product or service, and build trust with your audience.

Live Streaming and Q&A Sessions: Live streaming has become increasingly popular on platforms like Instagram and TikTok, especially with the TikTok Shop’s Live Shopping feature. Hosting live Q&A sessions, interviews, or product launches can create a sense of urgency and exclusivity among your audience. Live video also allows for real-time interaction with viewers, which can significantly boost engagement and build community within your target market.

Series and Episodes: Consider creating episodic content that keeps your audience coming back for more. This could be a weekly series that dives deep into different aspects of your brand, industry trends, or customer success stories. The consistency and predictability of episodic content can help build a loyal following and increase viewership over time.

Optimizing for Platforms: Each social media platform has its own unique audience and features, so it’s essential to optimize your longform video content accordingly:

  • YouTube: Utilize SEO best practices, create compelling thumbnails, and optimize your video descriptions and tags for the YouTube algorithm. When running ads, use YouTube’s AI-driven Video View Campaigns (VVC)  to leverage Google’s advanced algorithm in driving meaningful longform viewership.
  • Meta: On Instagram, leverage Reels for longer videos and Stories to promote and drive traffic to your longform content. On Facebook, use Facebook Watch. Optimize your longform video campaigns across Meta for Thruplays to  pay only for ads that are played to completion (or 15 seconds for longer videos).
  • TikTok: Experiment with longer videos to see how they perform, but use engaging hooks to capture attention within the first 3-5 seconds. Leverage the 6-Second Focused View optimization for your ad campaigns to deliver ads to users who are most likely to actively engage with an ad and view for longer.

Analyzing Performance and Iterating: Monitor the performance of your longform videos closely. Pay attention to metrics like watch time, completion rates, engagement (likes, comments, shares), and conversions (if applicable). Keep in mind that longform video may not perform well at first, especially if your audience is used to shorter videos, but by using this data to refine your content strategy, you can experiment with different formats, and optimize your videos for better results. Promote your best performing videos through targeted ads to reach a broader audience.

By leveraging the storytelling capabilities of longform video and embracing the unique opportunities offered by platforms, brands can create compelling content that resonates with their target audience. However, success in this space requires a strategic approach, careful planning, and a commitment to delivering value to viewers.

While creating longform content can seem like a big undertaking and a seismic shift in video strategy, it’s a shift that can pay off in the long run. And don’t forget - long form video can be used to create shorter clips of the same video for additional content.

As social media platforms continue to evolve and optimize for longer video views, brands that adapt and innovate will be well-positioned to capitalize on this trend. By incorporating longform video into your social media strategy and continuously refining your approach based on performance data, you can create impactful content that drives engagement, builds brand equity, and ultimately, achieves your business objectives in the digital age.

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