As the streaming landscape continues to expand, new formats are emerging that are set to redefine how viewers consume their favorite content. This year, the focus is shifting towards innovative formats that are not only changing viewing habits but also enhancing the overall streaming experience. These new formats offer more than just entertainment — for viewers, they provide exciting, immersive and interactive ways to engage with content. For marketers, they are new offerings to test, master and integrate into overall strategy. Let's explore some of the streaming trends that you need to watch this year, and why each is important.

One of the most exciting new formats to hit the scene is Shoppable Carousel Ads on Amazon Prime Video. Imagine a viewer watching their favorite show, and during an ad break, they’re not just passively consuming commercials — they are shopping directly from their screen. Talk about multi-tasking!

These shoppable ads allow consumers to browse through a carousel of related products while their show is temporarily paused. The format is designed to be seamless and intuitive; when viewers use their remote to explore the products, the ad automatically pauses, resuming only when the viewer stops interacting. For brands, this represents a golden opportunity to showcase their products in a dynamic, engaging way. Viewers can easily add items to their Amazon cart directly from their TV, transforming what was once a passive viewing experience into an interactive shopping event. Shoppable Carousel Ads are setting a new standard for how ads are integrated into streaming platforms, making them more relevant and engaging for today's tech-savvy consumers.

Brands can leverage Shoppable Carousel Ads to seamlessly cross-sell a variety of their products during streaming ad breaks. By presenting a sliding lineup of items, viewers can easily explore a diverse range of offerings on Amazon without ever leaving their living room. This format is ideal for showcasing complementary products, such as pairing a skincare item with accessories like makeup brushes or cosmetics, all within the same carousel. Cross-selling commonly purchased items not only encourages basket building but also helps deepen brand loyalty as shoppers discover more from the brand. With just a click of their remote, customers can add multiple items to their cart, making Shoppable Carousel Ads a powerful tool for boosting sales and engaging viewers more meaningfully.

Taking a break from shows has never been more engaging, thanks to the introduction of Interactive Pause Ads. When viewers press pause on their living-room remote, a translucent ad appears on the screen, featuring brand messaging and imagery. Unlike traditional ads, these don’t interrupt viewing experiences; instead, they enhance it by offering something useful during your break. The ad includes options to “Add to Cart” or “Learn More,” allowing viewers to engage with the content on their terms.

Interactive Pause Ads offer a prime opportunity for advertisers to spotlight new product launches in a way that captures attention without disrupting the viewer's experience. By utilizing strong brand messaging and eye-catching imagery, advertisers can drive immediate interest in their latest offerings. What makes this format particularly effective is the ability for viewers to take action at their own pace. With options like "Learn More" and "Add to Cart," potential customers can delve deeper into the product’s features, benefits, and unique selling points while their content is paused. This extended engagement allows brands to showcase the details that make their new product stand out, giving shoppers the information they need to make confident purchasing decisions—all without leaving the comfort of their streaming session.

Not only can ads be interactive, they’re becoming a form of entertainment. Enter Interactive Brand Trivia Ads, a format that combines brand storytelling with interactive elements to create a more engaging and rewarding viewer experience. As viewers enjoy their favorite content, they are presented with fun factoids and trivia questions about a brand. Using their living-room remote, viewers can add items directly to their Amazon cart or request additional information via email. This level of interactivity transforms the traditional ad experience into something more engaging, where viewers feel involved rather than interrupted.

Interactive Brand Trivia Ads are a unique ad format that can effectively span the entire marketing funnel—from building awareness to driving conversions. By entertaining viewers with fun trivia related to the brand, these ads naturally spark interest and boost awareness in an engaging, non-intrusive way. As viewers answer trivia questions and learn more about the brand, they move into the consideration phase, where they can explore the products being highlighted. With the ability to add items to their Amazon cart or request additional product information, the format seamlessly transitions from awareness to action, making it perfect for driving conversions.

This playful ad experience is especially effective ahead of the holiday shopping season, where showcasing a lineup of potential gifts through trivia can turn casual viewers into eager shoppers. The added incentive of rewards, like Amazon shopping credits, further entices customers to make a purchase, offering brands a fun and interactive way to convert engagement into sales.

As streaming continues to dominate the entertainment landscape, new formats like Shoppable Carousel Ads, Interactive Pause Ads, and Interactive Brand Trivia Ads are revolutionizing how we engage with content. For brands, these formats represent powerful new ways to connect with consumers in a meaningful and impactful way.

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