Sponsored Brand Ads on Amazon - those at the top of search results - can be a game-changer for your business. They’ve long been an important part of the Amazon ads ecosystem, but changes are coming. Starting on August 30, 2024, all Sponsored Brand Ads must include custom images. As a Creative Strategist at Code3, this update is a no-brainer: ads with compelling creative tend to perform better and provide a better shopping experience for customers.

With the right approach, you can create visuals that not only grab attention but also convert clicks into sales. And it’s no longer an option: if your ads don't have a custom image, they will be paused. So let's break down the best practices to make your Sponsored Brand images shine.

First impressions matter. In a saturated eCommerce marketplace like Amazon, your images need to stand out. High-quality, eye-catching visuals are crucial. Make sure your photos are crisp, clear, and professional. Poor quality images can turn potential customers away instantly. Invest in good photography, AI-generated images, or work some photoshop magic if you need to! Remember, your images are a direct reflection of your brand.

Consistency is key. Your brand's identity should be clear in every image you use, no matter where it's appearing. For example, creative on Amazon shouldn't look completely different than your DTC website. Consistent branding helps build recognition and trust. You want your consumers to recognize they are purchasing directly from you, so use your brand's color palette, style, and mood in your images. For instance, if your brand is all about natural, organic products, your images should reflect that with earthy tones and a clean, minimalist look. This consistency helps customers immediately recognize your brand and signifies trust.

Keep it simple. Simplicity often wins. Avoid clutter in your images. A clean, straightforward image that focuses on the product is often more effective than a busy one. Remember, the goal is to make it easy for potential customers to see what your product is and why it’s great.

Set the stage for your product and brand. Your product is the star of the show, so it should be the focal point of your images. Ensure the product stands out clearly against the background, highlighting its distinctive features to help draw attention.

For example, if you’re selling a unique kitchen gadget, show it in action in an attractive and well-lit kitchen setting. Images like these not only make your product look good, but they can be more engaging than simple product shots by helping shoppers envision themselves using it. Furthermore, since Amazon doesn’t allow logos and text overlays in images, you need to be clever about brand visibility. Focus on packaging that prominently displays your brand's logo. Close-up shots of the product packaging can ensure both your brand and its products are clearly visible, even on small devices.

Highlight what matters to your audience. Your images should tell a story about what makes your product great. Choose aspirational lifestyle photography that demonstrates key features, benefits, and other important aspects of your product. For instance, if your target audience is a busy mom who’s always on the go, choose an image that shows how your product could make her drive to take the kids to practice more enjoyable and seamless. Lifestyle images that speak to your target audience can be much more effective than words alone.

Stick to the rules. Amazon has strict guidelines for images to ensure a consistent, pleasant shopping experience. Make sure you understand and follow these rules to avoid any setbacks. Here are a few key guidelines you should keep in mind:

  • Use high-resolution images (at least 1,000 pixels on the longest side).
  • Images must accurately reflect the content of the landing page.
  • Don’t use logos or text overlays.
  • Stick to a 728x90, 800x90, 300x250, 160x600, 245x135 or 900x45 ratio.
  • Familiarizing yourself with these rules can save you a lot of hassle.

Test and learn. Don't be afraid to experiment with different images. Testing various visuals can provide valuable insights into what works best for your audience, allowing you to iterate and continue to produce best in class imagery.

In a recent test, Code3 compared the performance of two images - Image A showed a closeup of the product in a realistic setting with the brand’s logo prominently displayed on the product packaging, and Image B showed the product at a slight distance in a picture-perfect setting. The results favored Image A by a long shot, presumably because it felt more relatable and natural to shoppers and highlighted the product with great clarity and visibility.

We found that Image A had 158% more overall sales, 216.1% more new to brand sales, 190.9% higher conversion rate, and 380.4% higher ROAS. It’s important to gather and assess metrics like these as much as possible, so you can use them to inform your future campaign strategies. Taking a data-driven approach helps you continually improve your Sponsored Brand Ads and boost your sales.

Remember, Sponsored Brand images are often the first thing potential customers see, so make them count! Choosing effective imagery doesn’t have to be overwhelming. With these best practices, you’re well on your way to creating images that make your products stand out, connect with your audience, and drive more sales.

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