In today's digital advertising landscape, brands are leveraging multiple channels and various tactics to stand out in the crowd. But with so many levers being pulled across channels and even between internal teams, it can be difficult to understand the full picture of success or failure of the wide variety of campaigns.

Understanding the intricate dynamics between all of your brands various marketing channels is paramount. While tools are emerging for just this purpose, Amazon advertisers are able to utilize Amazon Marketing Cloud (AMC), a tool directly from Amazon that allows for diving deep into the complexities.

AMC operates by bridging the gap between Amazon platforms, which historically, do not natively talk to one another. AMC allows marketers to compare performance, results and consumer behavior at a variety of levels, across those platforms, including at the user ID and account level, making it easy to adjust strategy and execution accordingly.

Traditionally, Overlap Reports and Path to Purchase reports have played a vital role in providing brands with comprehensive insights into performance. And while, admittedly, AMC was difficult to master when first rolled out, it’s changing rapidly and providing brands an easier way to use the tool. If your brand isn’t leveraging AMC now, it's time to begin.

Code3 Strategists are sharing some easy ways to begin using AMC right now.

AMC Audiences: A Strategic Approach

One of the key features of AMC lies in its ability to harness rich customer data from the Amazon ecosystem.

Leveraging this data, marketers can craft highly targeted audience segments to maximize advertising ROI. One innovative approach involves creating audiences based on branded searches and strategically excluding them from consideration campaigns. By doing so, programmatic advertising efforts are more effectively reaching net new shoppers, thereby expanding a brands customer base.

Maximizing Conversions: Utilizing AMC's Cart Abandoner Audience for Tentpole Events

Utilizing AMC audiences for tentpole events adds another dimension to an advertising strategy. One particularly effective audience within AMC is the Cart Abandoner audience, which enables brands to retarget shoppers who have added items to their cart but have not yet made a purchase. This audience becomes especially crucial during tentpole events, where the urgency to capitalize on deals is heightened.

By leveraging the Cart Abandoner audience, brands can strategically place their offers in front of these shoppers, nudging them towards conversion. The success of this audience is particularly notable during tentpole events, especially when targeting Alexa inventory, as these shoppers are deeply ingrained within the Amazon ecosystem, making them more receptive to messaging and more likely to convert.

Additionally, AMC audiences can be leveraged to reach an audience of shoppers from previous tentpole events. For example, brands can retarget shoppers who browsed or bought from your brand on Prime Day and cross-sell them with another product in the catalog during the holiday shopping season. This strategy is only possible via AMC because standard DSP retargeting audiences use dynamic lookback windows which are always moving forward in time. AMC allows brands to freeze a moment in time (like a tentpole event!) and exclusively target shoppers who took action within that frozen moment.

Another application of AMC audiences for tentpole events is to create an audience of shoppers from previous tentpole events (such as retargeting shoppers who browsed or bought from your brand on Prime Day and cross-selling them with another product in your catalog during Turkey 5) - this is only possible via AMC as standard DSP retargeting audiences use dynamic lookback windows which are always moving forward in time - AMC allows you to freeze a. moment in time and exclusively target shoppers who took action within that frozen moment.

Frequency Optimization with AMC

Effective frequency management is vital for maintaining a balance between brand exposure and consumer engagement. Amazon’s DSP offers powerful tools for analyzing campaign frequency and optimizing it for maximum impact. The introduction of frequency groups takes this capability a step further by enabling us to set optimal frequency levels across multiple campaigns. On the flip side, within AMC, brands can also create audiences that have been overexposed by continuing to see ads past the optimal frequently, and negatively target them to reduce waste. This holistic approach ensures that our advertising efforts maintain efficient frequency throughout the entire customer funnel, enhancing overall campaign performance.

Looking Ahead: Pushing Clients to the Next Level

As we navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape, it's imperative to stay ahead of the curve and continually innovate our advertising strategies. In 2024, AMC presents a myriad of opportunities to elevate our clients' advertising endeavors

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