The world of digital advertising is constantly changing, and the combination of Streaming TV, Online Video, and Connected TV (CTV) has opened up exciting new possibilities for marketers to connect with their audiences in innovative ways. However, to take full advantage of these platforms, it's important to use the right creative techniques. It’s important to note that one size doesn’t fit all: each channel should be considered its own, with unique creative and copy.

Code3 Search Strategists are sharing some of our top strategies for creating engaging content on each of these domains.

Streaming TV Advertising

Streaming TV provides a personalized channel lineup, similar to services like Netflix, Hulu, or Disney+. Consumers get to choose what they want to watch and when to watch it. Ads may appear during the viewing experience, but they are personalized to the consumers interests. Essentially, it's like a TV remote that is always in the viewers control.

Here are five ways to engage with users on Streaming TV:

1. Speak Their Language:

Streaming TV allows for precise audience targeting. Tailor your narratives to resonate with specific viewer segments that align with your target audiences. Craft compelling stories that not only capture attention but also align with the interests and preferences of your demographic. It's like having a conversation – make it relatable.

2. Tap Into Interaction:

Engage viewers by incorporating interactive elements into your ads. Whether it's clickable overlays, quizzes, or immersive experiences, interactivity enhances user engagement and creates a memorable brand experience. Remember, engagement is the name of the game.

3. Blend In, Don't Interrupt:

Design ads that seamlessly integrate with the streaming experience. Avoid interruptive ads and instead create content that flows naturally within the streaming environment, enhancing user satisfaction.

4. Cross-Device Consistency:

Ensure consistency across devices. Viewers may switch between smartphones, tablets, and smart TVs. Maintain a cohesive brand experience regardless of the device, reinforcing brand recognition.You want them to recognize you, no matter where they are.

5. Frequency Control:

Manage ad frequency judiciously. Prevent ad fatigue by controlling how often viewers see your ads. Strategic frequency capping helps maintain viewer interest without overwhelming them.

Online Video Advertising

Online Video is the cool kid on social media, streaming services, or websites. It includes short, snappy videos you watch on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube. Ads in online videos are short commercials that appear before or during the video, and they are designed to be brief and to the point.

Best practices for online video advertising include:

1. Phone-Friendly is a Must:

Given the prevalence of mobile video consumption, optimize your brand’s online videos for mobile devices. Ensure that your content is visually appealing and functions seamlessly on smartphones, catering to the on-the-go audience.

2. Short and Impactful:

Capture attention quickly by keeping your videos short and impactful. Online audiences have shorter attention spans, so deliver your message concisely to make a lasting impression. Grab attention, deliver your message, and let them get back to their scrolling.

3. Brand Consistency Across Platforms:

Maintain brand consistency across various online platforms. Whether on social media, streaming services, or websites, cohesive branding reinforces brand identity and fosters trust. Consistency builds trust.

4. Tell Them What To Do with a Clear CTA:

Include clear and compelling calls to action. Guide viewers on the desired next steps, whether it's visiting a website, making a purchase, or subscribing. A well-crafted CTA enhances the effectiveness of your online video campaigns. Guide them, and they'll follow.

5. Platform-Specific Optimization:

Tailor your content to the platform. Different platforms have distinct audience demographics and content preferences. Customize your approach to align with the unique characteristics of each platform.

Connected TV (CTV) Advertising

Connected TV (CTV) is a smarter version of your TV. It includes devices like Smart TVs, Roku, Apple TV, or Amazon Fire Stick. With CTV, you can stream internet content directly to your big screen. Ads on CTV are tailored to users interests, making the TV experience more personalized.

Here are some things to keep in mind when advertising on CTV:

1. High-Quality is Non-Negotiable:

Invest in high-quality video production. CTV often involves larger screens, making visual quality crucial. Invest in quality production, because a polished ad makes your brand shine.

2. Know Your Viewers:

Leverage viewer data for personalization. CTV allows for targeted advertising based on user preferences. Use data insights to deliver personalized content, increasing relevance and engagement. It's like being a mind reader, but with data.

3. Immersive Experiences:

Create immersive experiences that take advantage of the larger screens and higher resolutions offered by CTV. Engaging, visually striking content enhances the viewer's experience and offers a lasting impression. Leave them remembering your brand.

4. Seamless Transitions:

Craft ads that seamlessly transition between content and ads. Minimize disruptions to the viewer experience by ensuring that ads blend seamlessly with the surrounding content, creating a more enjoyable viewing journey.

How to Choose the Right Solution for your Goals

There is no one size fits all with digital advertising, and this is especially true with CTV, Online Video Advertising and Streaming TV - and there are nuances to each that make your options even more diverse. Making the decision on whether to run Streaming TV ads or Online Video ads will vary based on your overall budgets and goals.

Brands typically see higher CPMs for STV campaigns- meaning you will most likely deliver more overall impressions with an OLV campaign but an STV campaign will be delivered on more premium content. When it comes to STV, since these ads are not clickable or skippable we can add a QR code to the video in order to make the ad more ”shoppable.” This allows the viewer to scan the screen with their phone which will then take them to a Landing page.

With STV, ads once we reach an impression threshold we are able to launch STV retargeting campaigns to re-engage viewers on their desktop and mobile devices where they are actively shopping. This helps us follow them through the funnel. We can also target in-market or lifestyle audiences within both of these tactics, but ultimately the decision comes down to content quality and where you want to reach your audience. Like we said - the options are diverse! Keep your audience, brand goals and budget in mind as a guiding light for selecting what’s right for your brand.

The landscape of Streaming TV, Online Video, and Connected TV advertising offers diverse opportunities for marketers to connect with audiences. By implementing these creative best practices, advertisers can not only capture attention but also foster meaningful connections, ultimately driving success in the evolving world of digital advertising. Need help running any of these video solutions? Contact us to see how we can help.

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