The current school year is wrapping up and students and parents are preparing for summer break. But there's no rest for marketers: it's time to start thinking about the fall school year. Gone are the days when August was just about shoppers snagging those last-minute school supplies. Now, if your brand is not thinking about back to school (BTS) by May, you're already behind the curve. The BTS season is the second-biggest shopping time of the year, so it's one brands can't afford to fail.

This time of year is a golden opportunity for your brand to connect, engage, and convert. From preschool parents to college-bound teens, the BTS audience is vast and varied, and they're all starting their shopping engines now. Why should this matter to your brand? Because timing is everything.

Jumping in early means you can shape consumer choices rather than just responding to them. Our guide dishes out the details on how to harness the power of platforms from Amazon to TikTok, ensuring your brand isn't just part of the conversation — it's leading it. Ready to turn BTS chaos into success?

Download or view our BTS guide now.

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