Sponsored Brand Ads, those that appear at the top of search results, have long been an important part of the Amazon ads ecosystem. Brands across the globe leverage these ads for their products - and the game is changing. Sponsored Brands product collection ads are getting a makeover: starting on August 30, 2024, all Sponsored Brand Ads must include custom images.

This shift aims to enhance the visual appeal of ads and improve the shopping experience for customers. Most critical for brands: if your ads don't have a custom image, they will be paused.

Why the Change?

It’s simple: ads with images perform better.

Custom images make ads more engaging and help them stand out. They allow you to showcase your brand’s personality and make a stronger impression on potential buyers. With a visually rich ad, you can better convey the quality and uniqueness of your products.

Additionally, Amazon's internal data from 2022 shows that Sponsored Brands ads with branded creative like custom images, see a 50% increase in click-through rates (CTR) and a 60% increase in branded search. Importance of Sponsored Brand Ads (this topic can be deleted if we need a shorter version)

Sponsored Brand Ads are a crucial component of Amazon’s advertising ecosystem. Here’s why they matter:

  • Enhanced Visibility: Sponsored Brand Ads appear at the top of search results, giving your products prime visibility. According to Amazon, brands using Sponsored Brand Ads see a 30% increase in sales on average compared to those not utilizing them.
  • Brand Awareness: These ads are designed to highlight your brand, not just individual products. They include your logo, a custom headline, and multiple products, helping to build brand recognition and loyalty. Data shows that brand recall is 20% higher for ads featuring custom images.
  • Competitive Edge: In a crowded marketplace, standing out is essential. Sponsored Brand Ads can set you apart from competitors by showcasing your brand's unique value proposition. Research indicates that visually appealing ads are 40% more likely to convert compared to text-only ads.
  • Improved ROAS: When effectively designed, these ads can lead to higher click-through rates and conversions, ultimately improving your return on investment. Amazon reports that sellers using custom images in their ads see a 50% increase in click-through rates.
  • Cross-Selling Opportunities: Featuring multiple products in a single ad allows you to promote complementary items, encouraging customers to purchase more from your brand.
Benefits of Custom Images

Using custom images in your ads has several advantages:

  • Better Engagement: Eye-catching visuals grab attention and can increase click-through rates by up to 50%.
  • Brand Recognition: Consistent and appealing imagery helps build brand identity and trust, leading to 20% higher brand recall.
  • Improved Performance: Ads with high-quality images are 40% more likely to convert, driving better overall performance for your campaigns.

What This Means for your Brand

To avoid having your ads paused by Amazon, it’s critical to begin making adjustments to your Sponsored Brand Ads. These changes must be done by August 30, 2024, however, acting sooner can have a big benefit for your brand, and give you time to ensure all images meet requirements to avoid unnecessary interruptions.

Here’s what your brand should be doing:

Create Custom Images: If you haven’t already, start creating custom images for your Sponsored Brand Ads. These images should reflect your brand and highlight your products effectively.

Update Existing Ads: Review your current Sponsored Brand Ads and update them with custom images. Ensure they meet Amazon’s specifications to avoid any interruptions.

Need an Image?

Don't worry, Amazon has you covered. You can use an image from your existing creative assets, upload a new one, or even generate one with AI. Amazon can also suggest an image for you from your creative assets.

The upcoming change to Amazon’s Sponsored Brand Ads policy underscores the importance of visual content in digital marketing. By updating your ads with custom images, you not only comply with Amazon’s new requirements but also enhance your brand’s presence on the platform. Take advantage of Amazon's tools to add high-quality images to your ads.

Having images alongside your ads has long been a nice addition, but now it’s essential. Brands should start preparing now to ensure ads continue to serve and perform well in the months ahead.

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