In the ever-evolving world of social media, brands are constantly searching for the best ways to engage with their audiences. As posts go viral and Reels become cultural moments (Brat, demure, mindful - we’re looking at you!), having a pulse on it is hard enough, let alone finding the right opportunities for a brand to enter the conversation. Additionally, the shift towards a more personalized, human-first approach is becoming increasingly important, particularly on platforms like TikTok and Instagram.

So how do brands know what trends to jump into, what to steer clear of, and more importantly, what’s worth their time? Navigating the landscape is now feeling more like walking through a maze - blindfolded. We’re here to help. Call us connoisseurs of trends, there’s nothing more we love than a good cultural moment - and even better, helping brands leverage them for success. So take off your blindfold and let us guide you through the maze of trends to watch in 2024.

Understanding the Current Social Media Climate

The Importance of Humanized Content

Gone are the days when a polished, corporate tone was the gold standard for social media engagement. Today, audiences crave authenticity. Brands that adopt a more human touch on social media are seeing significant success. Platforms like TikTok and Instagram emphasize genuine interactions, encouraging brands to show their true personality.

Take, for example, the rise of brands like Poppi Soda, where the founder's voice plays a central role in their social media strategy. This approach resonates well with audiences because it feels personal and relatable. Similarly, Fenty Beauty thrives not just because of its product quality but also due to Rihanna's visible and engaging presence.

Navigating Political and Social Sensitivities

In today's politically charged environment, brands must be acutely aware of the ongoing social and political conversations. Even platforms like TikTok and Instagram, which are not as politically oriented as X (formerly Twitter), require brands to be sensitive to the broader context in which they operate. Brands need to strike a balance between staying relevant and not appearing tone-deaf. It’s crucial to be aware of what people are talking about and to be sensitive to these conversations. For instance, during times of political or social upheaval, inserting a frivolous post can backfire. Brands should aim to either add value to the conversation, recognize the current climate, or simply hold off on posting when the focus shifts to more pressing issues.

However, there’s no one size fits all strategy for political and social sensitivities. Instead, a brand should lean heavily on their own brand and company guidelines. These guidelines should be a brand’s North Star and typically will provide clear answers as to whether a brand should hop on a trend, comment on a world event and so on.

Effective Strategies for Brand Engagement

Utilizing Founder and Brand Voices

Having a visible and active founder or brand voice on social media can significantly boost engagement. This strategy has worked wonders for brands across various industries. In addition to Poppi and Fenty Beauty, smaller brands like Live Tinted have seen success by putting their founders front and center.

When brands don’t have an “amazing” founder story or celebrity founder they can lean on, they can still lean into the most genuine aspects of their brand story. Duolingo is an excellent example of this approach; they’ve built a fun and engaging social media presence by making their mascot, Duo the owl, the voice and literal face of the brand.

Incorporating User-Generated Content (UGC) and Influencers

User-generated content and influencer partnerships continue to play a crucial role in creating authentic connections. The key is to ensure that these influencers align not only with the brand's values but also with the audience the brand is trying to reach.

When done right, UGC and influencer content feel authentic and can significantly boost engagement. Brands should look for influencers whose audiences overlap with their target demographics and whose personal brand aligns with their own values and messaging.

Innovative Use of AI and AR

AI and AR are not just futuristic buzzwords; they are here to stay and can be used in incredibly creative ways. One standout example is ELF’s campaign that placed a giant pimple patch on one of the Mount Rushmore carvings, a playful and eye-catching use of AR that highlighted its potential to create memorable and shareable content.

Practical Tips for Brands

Developing a Genuine Brand Story

Authenticity is paramount in today's social media landscape. Brands should focus on telling genuine stories that resonate with their audience. This involves identifying the core aspects of their brand that are most relatable and using these elements to craft compelling narratives.

Engaging with Current Trends

Staying updated with the latest social media trends and audience preferences is crucial. Brands should regularly review their social media strategies and be willing to adapt to new trends. This might include experimenting with new content formats, platforms, or engagement strategies to see what resonates most with their audience. As a marketer, one critical task is actively engaging in social listening - tracking how users are talking to and about your brand. This helps identify shifts in sentiment, emerging conversations, and opportunities to better connect with your audience.

A personalized, human-first approach to social media is no longer optional; it’s essential for brands looking to connect meaningfully with their audience. By leveraging founder and brand voices, incorporating UGC and influencers, and staying attuned to current trends and social sensitivities, brands can enhance their engagement and relevance.

If you’re ready to take your social media strategy to the next level, reach out to Code3 for expert guidance and personalized strategies. Our team of experts is here to help you navigate the complexities of digital marketing and achieve your business goals.

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